Hurricane Shutters FAQ

Welcome to our FAQ guide on hurricane shutters. We answer some basic, and some detailed frequently asked questions about hurricane shutters. The page has been organized into a question (Q) and answer (A) format. And we have grouped the FAQs into topics to make it easier to find the answer to your question. FAQs by…

When Is Hurricane Season in Tampa?

Residents and visitors of Tampa should pay attention to hurricane season every single year. That’s because hurricane season in Tampa happens every year without fail. And like other coastal cities in the sunshine state, Florida hurricane season in the city of Tampa should not be taken lightly. The city of Tampa has a lower rate…

Bahama shutters installed on a home in North Fort Myers FL

Bahama Hurricane Shutters Install North Fort Myers

This modular home in North Fort Myers FL just got some new EUREX SHUTTERS Bahama Hurricane Shutters installed. Wow! They look amazing, and these shutters upgraded the home’s curb appeal AND its storm protection! And the client is happy with the installation, which is the most important part! Keep reading for more details on the…